Ashton visits McNary National Wildlife Refuge display center
Ashton camps out
Ashton writes in her journal in her favorite English walnut tree in
Ashton climbs the same tree in winter
Ashton goes to Las Vegas and buys a black kitty
Ashton faithfully exercises while waiting for the flight to London
Ashton tours the new Shakespeare Globe theatre in London
Ashton rides the world's highest observation wheel
by British Airways and overlooks London
Stops in the Queens mews long enough to pet
the Queen's horse and a purring black mouser
Ashton agrees with an anti war demonstration in Bath, England
Ashton touches the Stonehenge monoliths on the Salsbury Plains
Ashton enjoys a very decorative dessert at George's Inn
at Lacock where she expected to see a movie set of Harry Potter's
Ashton only got a quick shot of the Abby of Harry Potter fame
Ashton explored Warwick castle with Grandma
after visiting with Dorice Agol in Southampton
Ashton climbs precarious steps to the top of a hill at home
Ashton swings far and wide on the rope swing at the top of the hill