April is Autism month go ARC of Tri-Cities

Autism occurs in one baby out of 150 births and therefore more information is needed to help parents and physicians recognize and diagnose the problem as early as possible. A community event designed to raise awareness among citizens about autism and the services available to assist families in dealing with different situations was held on April 23, 2005 in Kennewick, Washington.


COUNT ME IN say the volunteers who bring puppets with hidden disabilities into classrooms and other public forums. The puppets greeted visitors to the Autism Awareness Fair. Naomi is a volunteer puppeteer for the ARC of Tri-Cities awareness program.
The director of ARC of Tri-cities participated in the crafts with her mother during the Autism Awareness Fair
A puppeteer who operates several puppets and often narrates the program has autism and will tell you how his life was improved by the local programs.
Mother with first hand experience with an autistic child directs the COUNT ME IN show and operates several puppets in the program.
Local individuals came to show what programs are available for the autistic person and their parents.
Volunteers from the Richland Police department described the child fingerprint program which is suggested to parents.
Parents helped the younger children to prepare crafts they could take home.
Crafts varied and gave the young (and older) choices to make the perfect design.
Prominent volunteers worked hard and long to bring the many elements together for this first Autism Awareness event.

Children proudly showed their parents what they accomplished.


Parents stood aside to enjoy their children explore special educational toys made available by a local vendor.
Clowns delighted the audience with special magic and slight of hand tricks.
Craft tables could not keep the interest of children when clowns performed.
The greatest pleasure I had was watching the children's spontaneous joyful responses to the antics of the clowns.



Photographer Plus

My thanks - Naomi Sherer