You will find it on state road 126
between Eugene and Sisters, Oregon

Naomi Sherer

Photos by Timothy Sherer

To be sure we caught a fine weekend before summer's end, Tim and I (Naomi) registered in Coldwater Cove campground on Clear Lake. The campground is on a rugged slope above the lake and we had a site 'abover' than most.

The light area seen through the trees is the asphalt road which goes around the loop fifty feet lower in elevation. Water poured from a pump when I moved the handle up and down. That's a joke, son. I hung all my weight on it to bring up the water and I'm no featherweight - but I drew water, unless Tim hauled it first. I tried to do my share but let's face it, Tim is by far a better cook than I so I sat back and loved every minute of it.

Our loop was for tenters. Self contained vehicles occupied a separate loop. There were no night lights in the camp except for the lanterns of the campers or their car headlights to illuminate their dinner. We used flashlights occasionally. Stars were not visible through the tree tops so I walked down the road to where the view opened to the lake for a clear, glorious look at the dippers (bears I cannot see) and the milky way.



Tim's bag on the left and Naomi's on the right. We laid our sleeping bags on a ground cover. The tarp stretched nicely between two trees just the correct distance apart.

The kitchen and dining centered on the picnic table well anchored to asphalt. Fire was confined in a heavy steel circle. We used a $7 bundle each night.
We took the five mile hike around Clear Lake, going counter clockwise as is our habit. The bridge over the McKenzie is one huge log.
Otherwise the paths led through unusual flora - at least some I was not familiar with nor could I even try to place some in a category.
The left looks like a buckwheat of some kind and I wondered if the right is wild ginger. It's amazing that plants can grow in the lava cracks.
The source of the McKenzie river. The turquoise-blue color of the pool is caused by light reflecting off many generations of dead fresh water plants called diatoms that cover the bottom.
The last morning was chilly making layered clothing feel very good. Breeze coming off the lake sneaking uphill through our camp brought out extra clothes we didn't need otherwise
Monday morning we packed then took one last brisk walk around the camp. The chipmunk at left is the subject for a story of wildlife watching for another time.
  Naomi Sherer